A New Day  

 Hello everybody and welcome to my first blog. I am currently working on constructing all the intricacies of this web site. I hope to have an easy showcase of my musical and art talents. Please bear with me. I haven't been on here much in a very long time but I'm going to change that. I've been in the studio for the better part of decades and I believe it's time to come out of my shell and greet my fellow human being with some new recordings and some live appearances. Please be patient. I just noticed that the entire beginning of this message is all in Caps. this was not intentional but I have not the wherewithal to go back and fix it now. Thanks and I'll see you soon. Until then, enjoy this unreleased new song by me and the fabulous Phantasiis.

Example ListBaby Widget

Example ListBaby Widget

Example Text Widget

William Clausen Official Music and Art